Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Hi to all readers.
I am Henry Wong Hean Nang. I am new to blogging. This reason i started this blog is because of my university assignment which required me to blog about e-commerce. So i had created this blog with my group members who are Teoh Sook Ang, Tan Ai Ling and Ong Guat Tee from Tutorial Group 9. We are from Malaysia, you know the country which is located above Singapore. Seriously, i don't understand how people don't know where Malaysia is located eventhough it is bigger than Singapore. I guess this shows the lacks of advertisement of Malaysia. :P
This is my first post, i am bit nervous about it as i don't really know what to talk about now. I am just writting down whatever is coming into mind. It doesn't seem that hard but i have that feeling that i am afraid of people reading my posts. How ironic as i would still have to post if i intend to graduate.
So back to the blog, this is the first week of my studies and the week this blog is created. Currently nothing will be posted in the first week. The next week which will be the second week, all the members of my group assignments will posting information about themselves that includes me too. Starting the third week, that when we will be posting our thoughts or any informations on e-commerce in Malaysia but we will try to get informations regarding internationals news on e-comerce. The duration of this blog is from the third week till the seventh week after that it will be dead. Maybe.
So i hope that you readers would come back in the following week and take a look at our posts.
If anyone have any advises which i could improve my blogging skills do tell so. That's all for this first. If you read till the end, THANK YOU!